A couple of weeks ago I got to celebrate with my friend Hailey at Blue Mesa with her and a few of her close friends for a baby shower for Reece. It was so much fun! It was kind of ironic because we were at a tequila bar and the waiter went through his whole spchel about the bar... little did he know that over half of us were pregnant! Katy and I had fun getting ready for the party making truffles and putting them in cute little boxes with flowers and ribbon. We also made a cupcake tree for desert! Hailey's mom gave her a dress that was her great-grandmother Reece's. It was the coolest thing! It is so funny that my two best friends from college are both pregnant with me. I am so thankful that I can share this special time with my close friends. Katy is just a few weeks shy and finding out what she is having! We are all so excited to find out. We have figured out that next summer when we all meet up for our monthly Chick-fil-a we will have 5 babies between the 3 of us! Don't know if Chick-fil-A will know what hit them! I have a feeling, neither will we! Katy wasn't showing just yet, so she was trying to over compensate! HA