Okay, so I am officially the worlds WORST at keeping up with this blog! I am going to try and do better, I promise :) Well, alot has happened since I last posted. On January 16th I became an aunt!! Miss Katelyn Grace Lowth was born and the doc cleared me to go see her and my sister. It was such a sweet time to be with them. She is beautiful and I feel so blessed that I get to be a part of this precious girl's life. My sister is a great mom, and it has been AMAZING walking thru these role of motherhood with her.
I had some GREAT showers given by some sweet friends! The shower in Pasadena was awesome! My mom and sisters know how to throw a party :) It was great to be surrounded by family and friends. Some I hadn't seen in a while! My college roommate Leighann came, my best friend from junior high Shelley, and my drama teacher Susan. It was great to catch up with them and share in the excitment of the babies!

My sweet friends from college gave me a shower in Dallas. Katy, Hailey, Kari and Amy... what a great party you planned! It was awesome to be with all my best girlfriends! My mother in law and sister in law were able to come too, so that was super fun. Katy made a diaper cake, and Hailey made some cute little cupcake booties with little E's and A's on them. I was surprised to see my other college roommate Jen there! She came all the way from Mesquite! I hadn't seen her in about 2 years. I feel so blessed to have such great friends.
The church shower was also amazing. Cara headed up the other 13 hostesses and they planned a beautiful shower. The tables were decorated so beautifully with pink roses, and there were little note cards for people to write a blessing to the girls. My mom and sister Amanda came from Houston! I was so thankful they could come. Will's aunts and Mama Jan came from Arkansas. It was a blessing to be surrounded by our AMAZING church family. I know there faithful prayers and support got us thru the pregnancy and last weeks. God is so faithful to provide, and we are so grateful for the body of Grand Prairie Bible Church.
Well, this is what you have all really been wanting to know about... our sweet Emma and Addison. My water broke early February 12th and after being at the hospital only a few hours, our sweet girls were here! The C-section went well. Will was a trooper. For those of you who know my husband, he does not do well with blood, so I was a little worried that my coach might pass out on me! He was a great support and I was so happy to have his encouragement thru the surgery. It is quite an out of body expierence, being awake and knowing what they are doing. Addison was born at 10:19 am, with her sister Emma at 10:20 am. The both weighed 4.5 lbs! Everyone said they had never seen that happen. As many of you know our sweet girls spent two weeks in the NICU. Since they were born at 34 weeks, they still had a few things to learn before they could be home with mom and dad. It was a rough two weeks. Lots of pumping, trips to the hospital, and trying to recover from the surgery. Once again, God's grace is the only thing that got me thru. My sweet Mom stayed with me the first week the girls were in the hospital and was my chauffer to the hospital everyday. I would go to breastfeed the girls and we could only feed them every other feeding, so it was an all day affair. I wouldn't have been able to do it without my mom.
The girls got to come home February 27th, and it has been so amazing to have them home. At 7 weeks they Addi weighed 6.11 and Emma was at 6.7 They are for the most part on the same schedule and nurse together. We went to the doc May 7th and Addison was one ounce shy of 10 lbs and Emma was 1/2 way to 10 lbs. They are growing great! They have started smiling and cooing and follow voices and faces. They are such a blessing and I couldn't ask for sweeter girls. I would do this all over again! It would be awesome to have another set of twins. Who knows, maybe next time... two boys :)