Tuesday, June 16, 2009

VBS - So fun, So tiring!

We had VBS at church last week. It was such a blessing serving! I love the people of GPBC. It was so encouraging to be around all the sweet people who were a part of VBS. Renee and I did Music together. We had fun choregraphing some of the songs, and teaching all the moves to the kids. We had kids ages 2 - 6th grade! The kids were awesome. The theme was centered around the Lord's prayer, and they did a great job learning it! I was pretty tired by the end of the day. The girls went up two days and missed their morning naps, they just played and played and had a grand old time. They came home and took 3 hour naps tired girls! I am thankful we got to be a part of VBS. It was nice to get out and be doing something than the normal routine. I know the girls get bored here playing with the same old toys, new faces, new toys = happy tired girls. They kept asking to go "bye bye" every morning for a few days after VBS ended... I think they liked it!

1 comment:

Little House in Grand Prairie said...

hey kerrie!
time to update....or do you have a new blog address?