So, I thought I should do a post about their birthday in case I do turn this into a photo book :)
had the party in the mac room at the church. It was the perfect spot! We had lots of help the day before decorating.
My fam, minus Mere was able to come to the party. Wills sisters couldn't make it cause they had school and track.. they were missed! Mama Jan and Chachi were able to come though! It was a great time with all our friends.
As I mentioned earlier, Amanda made the tutus, and Court made the shirts. Amanda made the smash cakes. I could not have done it without her help!
The girls were really cute. They were precious in their outfits, and did great in all the pictures. I just can't believe they are one! Sweetest girls!
We also dedicated the girls that Sunday the 15th. It was our public statement that we commitment to raising the girls for the Lord. It is humbling knowing that they are His, and the responsibility we have to be the best parents we can be for His glory. Will spoke, and did a great job. It was a wonderful way to end their birthday weekend.
We are so incredibly thankful for the Lord's graciousness towards our family. To think these little ones entered the world 6 weeks premature and weighing only 4.5 lbs. Would not know it to see these pictures. We are blessed, and give God all the glory.
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