Our next trip to Houston was to celebrate my grandparents 65th wedding anniversary. My sister Mere came from New Braunfels and we just had a baby fest at my parent's house. Mere and shared a room and would help each with the babies at night. It was quite an arrangement. I hadn't seen Katelyn since the girls were a few weeks old. She is just about a month older than the girls. She is quite a character. She loved playing the girls. Addison acutally smiled for one of the first times at Katelyn. It was too cute to see her look at her cousin. My prayer is that these three girls will be as close as me and my sisters are. I was never that close to any of my cousins, but these girls are so close in age, I don't see how they won't be! It is sill crazy to me that we were pregnant at the same time! Now here we are with three babies to show for it :) Will came to pick us up a week later and went to the party with us. It was the girls first official outing besides the doctor's office. They wore polka dots in honor of Grandma D. She loves red, and polka dots :) They were good and slept right thru :) I think they enjoyed the Frank Sinatra that was playing thru lunch. It was a fun day and I am thankful that we were able to be there to celerate.
Friday, June 20, 2008
To Grandmother's House We Go
The girls made there first road trip when they were a little over 2 months old. Will met my parents half way to Houston and they picked me and the girls up and we spent a week at home. My grandparents had not met the girls yet, and my Dad and Amanda hadn't seen them since they were born. It was such a fun trip. We laid low and just hung around the house. They got to meet Meemaw, Grandma D. and Grandpa D. for the first time. It was awesome seeing the girls with my grandparents. Mom kept the girls in her room at night and I got some much needed sleep! It was a blessing to be at home and be able to relax and not worry about doing laundry, dishes ect and feeling like I could rest when the girls were resting. Let me tell you, twins are amazing.... but they are alot of work. At first you just don't know what to do with your time. Because there is soo much to do. Do you pump, shower, eat, rest, do the TONS of baby clothes that need to be washed. Being home was such a blessing. I loved sharing the girls with my family. Thanks to Will for letting his girls go on a road trip!
1 Month Old
Can't go without thanking the Eubanks :) After Mom went home Fran stepped in for her shift with the girls. She got a little more than she bargained for when I had a cyst on my tailbone flair up that had to be lanced. Her studies as a nurse paid off, and we got closer than we had ever been before! HA. It was an emotional and painful time and she was a constant source of encouragement and care. I know it was hard on my Mom not being here to take care of me, but she was thankful that Fran could be there to take care of her girls. Thanks to Bill, Fran, Helen and Janette for helping us thru those first few crazy weeks! Love you guys!
What would I have done without my Mom those first weeks after the girls???? I am not really sure to tell you the truth. I am thankful for such a sweet friend and Mother. Mom it has been great watching you love our girls. The joy they bring to you, and the joy it brings me to see you with them is unexplainable. I love you!
Bringing Home Babies
It was so awesome to bring our girls home. Our sweet friend Cara Davis made a sign to welcome us home. She had written the verse Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." on the signs. Amazing to know that God knows the number of hairs on their little heads, which isn't much :) but he knows the number. I can't tell you the overwhemling joy and relief that flooded over me just walking thru the door with them and finally having them home. It was hard leaving the hospital without them. I know that the Lord's love, and so many prayers of friends and family sustained us in that time without them. My mom came back down to help me and Fran and the girls were there to greet us when we arrived. It was such a blessing to have our girls home.
Memories from NICU

So I am trying to catch everyone up on the girls. This pic is when they were 1 week old :) I made these signs to put near their cribs in the NICU. We had a favorite nurse there, Anna. She was a believer and took such good care of our little ones. We knew when we left they were in good hands with Anna. The Lord was so sweet to give us such a great nurse to care for our girls. Here are also some pictures of the girls in the NICU. It is hard to believe they were that tiny! A few good things that came out of the girls staying in the NICU. They came home on a schedule, which is unheard of for newborns! They were eating every 3 hours. The nurses also taught us how to bath them, change them, feed them ect so we came home that much more prepared to be parents. Another blessing was the lactation consultants at Baylor. They were great to work with me on tandem feeding and would meet me in the NICU to help us all learn how. I am thankful for God's sweet promise that He works everything for the good of those who love Him.
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