Friday, June 20, 2008

To Grandmother's House We Go

The girls made there first road trip when they were a little over 2 months old. Will met my parents half way to Houston and they picked me and the girls up and we spent a week at home. My grandparents had not met the girls yet, and my Dad and Amanda hadn't seen them since they were born. It was such a fun trip. We laid low and just hung around the house. They got to meet Meemaw, Grandma D. and Grandpa D. for the first time. It was awesome seeing the girls with my grandparents. Mom kept the girls in her room at night and I got some much needed sleep! It was a blessing to be at home and be able to relax and not worry about doing laundry, dishes ect and feeling like I could rest when the girls were resting. Let me tell you, twins are amazing.... but they are alot of work. At first you just don't know what to do with your time. Because there is soo much to do. Do you pump, shower, eat, rest, do the TONS of baby clothes that need to be washed. Being home was such a blessing. I loved sharing the girls with my family. Thanks to Will for letting his girls go on a road trip!

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