Tuesday, June 16, 2009
VBS - So fun, So tiring!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Addi Bear is Walking!
Friday, June 5, 2009
It is Summer Time!
We are loving being with Cousins Kate and Abby. Kate is just a month older than the girls, but is talking up a storm! She is so sweet, and the girls all play together really well so that is nice. They are loving baby Abby. They like to say baby, and want to give her kisses. It is too cute.
We had an interesting trip down. We did good until about Conroe, Addi decided she needed to potty, so we stopped and I changed her. They were both fussy at this point. Luckily, my friend Courtney had let us borrow a video! Baby Signing Time..... the girls watched it once and were signing hat, and waving to people when we stopped at a red light! So funny! They are signing baby up a storm now, and Emma even trys to sing it. HA
I am thankful to Will for letting us go and spend time with them. I miss them, especially my sweet sisters. Great way to kick off Summer!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Big 5.... Wedding Anniversary

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fun Videos
As I mentioned in previous post, the girls are loving "accessorizing". Whether it is shoes, a hat, or sunglasses. Her is Miss Emma parading around in her glasses. A daily occurance with these girly girls.
Here is Addi saying one of her favorite words! Her can also see her famous scoot in this video. Every once in a while I catch her crawling normally! But I guess the "scoot" is normal for Addi Bear.
Here it is folks! Some video of Emma's first steps. She was just getting the hang of it as you can see! Now, she is practically running around here.
Here they are telling us all how the lion goes!!
Round and Round
So here is Addi Bear doing her round and round! She just started doing this the other day and I started singing. Now when I sing, she does it. Today, she was doing it on her tummy too. Emma has started doing it too. I tried to get a video of both of them doing it, but no such luck! Sorry I sound so annoying in this! And all videos... eek.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Abigail Faith 3/6/09
Cousins Photo Shoot
So I have this incredible friend from college, HAILEY ERICKSON,.. she was amazing and agreed to come out to the house to take pictures of ALL the girls while my sisters and mom were here. We were going to take them to the mall, but it was the week of all the swine flu junk. I am so glad Hailey took them instead! Will had gone to the Danville Open (Annual Golf Tourney in Arkansas) so I declared it a girls weekend!
Hailey brought her backdrop and camera and we turned our bedroom into a studio! The girls were hilarious. I can't believe she got any good shots, but she did. We were so happy with how the pics turned out.
She got some sweet shots of Abby. Precious girl. Poor baby, when we set her down for the group pic, Emma got a little too excited and petted her a little too hard. She didn't seem to mind though.
Hailey was very amused by Mere and trying to keep the girls corraled and entertained for pictures. This is a memory I will never forget.
She also made this precious video. Hope you enjoy!
THANK You Hailey for such a great pictures, and for being such a great friend! Love you!
Addi and Emma's 1st Birthday

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Going to do Better...

So lets see.... the girls got their helmets on in November, on my birthday actually. They wore them for about a 8 weeks. We were really happy with the results, and the girls did not miss a beat. For that we are really thankful.
The girls are doing so many cool things these days. They are 15 1/2 months old. Emma started walking at about 14 months. Miss Addi Bear hasn't taken any steps yet but is loving standing up from a sitting position and when Momma and Daddy help her take steps. I think she can do more than she does, she is just a little more cautious. Was the same way with her pulling up.
We got a mini van :) Yes I am officially a Mini Van Mom! Ha. It has been so awesome to have! Makes going any where with the girls soo much easier.
Heres some fun things they are liking right now.
2. Showing how big they are,
3. 5 little monkies puppet toy
4. Round and round (I saw round and round and they scoot in circle on the floor)
6. Love rolling ball back and forth
7. I'm going to get you (love being chased)
8. peek a boo
9. patty cake
11. Really like Sesame street. It is so funny, there is an ad for Beaches resorts at the beginning of every SS and they always look and me and smile really big when it comes on!
12. Love music of any kind... Emma was even clapping to rap the other day! HA
14. Love Books
16. Love going Bye Bye
18. Finding features on Momma and Daddy's faces, and their own
Their first word was ball when they were 12 months old. They think everything is ball, they see a lemon "ball", an easter egg "ball"!
Words: Ball, light, bye bye, mama, dada, eye, bite, bath, juice, that(milk), baby
They are changing more and more each day! They are getting close to dropping their AM nap... not sure how I feel about that just yet :)
So, I think that catches everyone up. Hope you enjoy the videos and pictures! I am going to try and do better.