Saturday, September 13, 2008

5 Months Old

I can't believe my girls are 5 months old! I know people say that kids grow up too fast, but it is already going by so quick!

The last 5 months have been such a blessing. Getting to know these precious girls and Will and I growing in love for each other and for our children. We still can't believe we are parents.... especially of twin girls. The night we stayed in the hospital with the girls before we brought them home as we were going to sleep for the few hours before their next feeding Will said "what have we done"... we both just started laughing. Little did we know really how much those precious 5 lb babies would change our lives forever! I praise the Lord for these 5 months with our girls. Thank you Lord for the gift of children, and for blessing us with Emma and Addison.

I took some pictures for their 5 month birthday! These beautiful gowns were Will's when he was a baby, the basinette was his as well. Emma is in the white, Addi in the teal. In case you were wondering :)

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